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미디어 > 뻑킹잉글리쉬
뻑킹잉글리쉬 11회 안녕 동정남? - cheery boy  

1. 오프닝 대화
써머 : Hey, what’s up?
쟈니 : What’s up yo.
써머 : How’s it going with Roxane?
쟈니 : It’s going.
써머 : You met her at the Jujitsu class right?
쟈니 : Yup. I did.
써머 : She looked hot. Did you get laid?
쟈니 : No……well, she likes to kiss and touch me but that it.
써머 : What? So you even got no blows yet?
쟈니 : Nope, not yet.
써머 : (놀리듯) Well, hello cherry boy.
쟈니 : Umm…what? Do I look like cherry?
써머 : (웃으며) Yeah, you look like a cherry. hahaha

2. 오프닝
- 인사말 / 안부 / 오프닝대화 간단해설

3. 주제 토크
- 오늘의 주제: Hello, cherry boy
 : 안녕, 동정?
 : 왜 Cherry boy인가? 
- 주제 관련 토크
: 서로의 첫경험 얘기
: 아직 동정인 남녀들을 위한 팁 
- 동정과 관련된 영어 표현
: Virgin
: Fresh meat
: cherry picker
: Sub-debutante
: vestal
: damsel
: Canned good

4. 주제 대화 / 해설
써머 : Hey, who was that hot chick?
테드 : Oh, she’s Amy.
써머 : Where did you met her? And why did you come out from a motel?
테드 : Well, I met her at church last Sunday and went to the day use motel for to chill and watch Netflix.
써머 : So, somebody finally picked your cherry?
테드 : Umm……well, yes, I get laid but technically I’m still a cherry boy because she didn’t crushed the cherry?
써머 : What? You mean she didn’t give you a blow job or anal sex?
테드 : Yes. She said she don’t like blow-jobs. She says it’s too dirty in the name of god. She even doesn’t like other positions except the missionary position.
써머 : Well, I don’t know what to say dude but I think she had a long way to go. (비꼬고 놀리듯)Anyways, I will cry and cheer for you, cherry boy.
테드 : yeah, thank you so much.

5. 클로징
- 다음 방송 예고 - 사정 직전 그만 둔 상황
- 듣고 있는 채널에서 평점, 좋아요, 덧글, 리뷰 꼭 해주세요~
- 뻑킹잉글리쉬에 대한 의견, 광고, 제휴문의는 메일 red@redholics.com 으로 보내주세요.

▶ 아이튠즈로 듣기 - goo.gl/BMh5Hl
▶ 팟빵으로 듣기 - www.podbbang.com/ch/8225
** 들으시는 채널에서 좋아요! 댓글! 구독하기! 부탁해요~!
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Horny_slut 2017-04-15 13:35:31
제가 뵌적은 없지만, 사슴은 진짜 안어울리시네요 Ted님..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ