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액션해드 조회수 : 2389 좋아요 : 0 클리핑 : 0

Tank - Can't Let It Show

How did I lose you? (How did I lose you?)
How did I blow that? How can we go back?
Why did I not choose you? Oh-oh
Instead of a good time I wasted your good time

I shoulda been everything I promised
I shoulda not had to learn it from this
You shoulda been first
I know it's emotional, but you're not emotional, she said

I should be crying but I just can't let it show
I should be crying but I can't stop thinking
All the things you should've said that you never said
All the things you should've done that you never did
Always said, "I don't know what I should be feeling"
Oh, darling

I been stupid, thoughtless
I been useless, heartless
I've been violating and thinking it wasn't ever gonna catch up
I wasn't ever gonna 'fess up, and that's real

I shoulda been everything I promised
I shoulda not had to learn it from this
You shoulda been first
I know it's emotional, but you're not emotional, she said

I should be crying but I just can't let it show
I should be crying but I can't stop thinking
All the things we should've said that you never said
All the things you should've done that you never did
Always said, "I don't know what I should be feeling"
Oh, darling

Please (cry), shoulda known you're feeling something
Please (cry), 'cause if it hurts, I know you still care
(Cry) 'cause if you don't, I know you're over it
(Cry) oh, please, girl
(Cry) so that I know you're feeling something
Please (cry), 'cause if it hurts I know you still care
(Cry) 'cause if you don't, then I know you're over it
(Cry) oh, she said, she said, she said

I should be crying but I just can't let it show
I should be crying but I can't stop thinking
All the things we should've said that you never said
All the things you should've done that you never did
Always said, "I don't know what I should be feeling"
Oh, darling

Make it go
Make it go away 
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