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액션해드 조회수 : 1464 좋아요 : 0 클리핑 : 0

Silent Child - Fuck You

Am I wasting my breath on you?
Feels like my words are never getting through, yeah
I never said I hate you to someone so much before
I'm light headed when we talk and then you shut the door
God damn
Like what are we still talking for, yeah
Oh yeah, oh no, oh yeah
Oh yeah, oh no
I really hope you don't see tomorrow
I tried to play nice with you
'Cause all you ever do is try to fuck up my day
And you were successful
But I know the truth
No you don't have anything better to do
Everything you ever loved has tried to escape you
So why would I want anything to do with you
Fuck you
Fuck you
- 글쓴이에게 뱃지 1개당 70캐쉬가 적립됩니다.
· 추천 콘텐츠

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