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시오후키에 대한 외국 성관련 글을 번역하다가 좌절했네요.  
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절반정도 했는데 날아감^_^............원하시는분 있으면 다시하겠습니다.....온라인으로 작업하면 안된다는 교육을 하나 배웠습니다.
제목은 "시오후키란 정말로 존재해?"(What is Squirting, Really?)

If you were to ask most people to describe female ejaculation, they would probably describe what is most often seen in porn and adult magazines—a gush of fluid from a woman’s vulva at the point of (real or enacted) orgasm. It’s been elevated to the point of a mystical phenomenon that allegedly intensifies the experience of orgasm for women and is seen by men as not just proof of pleasure, but also as proof of orgasm. But what is really happening here?
Squirting has become the big sexual fad over the last twenty years.
This gush is referred to as squirting and it is presented as a dramatic orgasmic response that is sometimes touted as a higher form of orgasm—something that women “should” strive to have or would make their orgasm more intense. There are countless men trying to figure out how to make their female partners squirt and even classes for women who want to learn how to squirt. But what are these women really learning? If you look closely at what is taught you will see significant pressure to the area of the G-Spot that overlies the erectile tissue and glands of the urethra, as well as lessons in coordinating release of the pelvic floor muscles while bearing down. These actions together flatten out the angle between the urethra and the bladder, making it much more difficult for a woman to keep urine in her bladder.
Is squirting the same thing as female ejaculation?
Along with the mystery and fantasy about squirting is the debate as to whether it’s the same thing as female ejaculation or whether it’s really urine. But there is significant scientific proof that the origin of the fluid is actually the bladder and that the chemical composition is that of urine. Basically, it’s pee. Women who experience squirting are simply learning to release one set of muscles while contracting the bladder so they can release urine during orgasm. And it isn’t even always correlated with orgasm. So why the confusion? Is there really such a thing as female ejaculation?
Female ejaculation looks a lot like male ejaculation without the sperm.
True female ejaculation is a small amount of thick fluid secreted around the time of orgasm for most women. It originates in the glands found within the erectile tissue surrounding the urethra that are analogous to the prostate in men, and it even has PSA (prostate-specific antigen) in it. During the activity of sexual intercourse or stimulation, this female ejaculate can get mixed with vaginal fluids and lubrication as well as any semen or male pre-ejaculatory fluid that might be present in lovemaking. This makes it much more difficult to identify in a real-life situation.
In the lab, however, it can be tested more carefully. Urine that gushes out during squirting passes through the urethra and can pick up some fluid secreted from the periurethral glands, which is why it often is found to have PSA. But that doesn’t mean it’s not urine. It has been confirmed both by chemical analysis and by ultrasound that the fluid that comes out during squirting is urine from the bladder. Female ejaculation doesn’t have any of the urea, creatinine, or uric acid found in urine. Check out this study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
What if I like squirting?
By no means am I telling women that what they are doing is wrong or that they should stop. There are several reasons why squirting might be a pleasurable experience for women. First, the passage of urine through the urethra can cause a tingling rush if the urethral erectile tissue is full of blood because the urethra is full of very sensitive nerve endings. Next, women may have a sense of getting completely lost in their orgasm and squirting may be their way of experiencing that surrender. If they enjoy themselves, then it’s adding to their sexual experience.
For some women, however, the practice of squirting may make it more difficult to hold their urine during lovemaking or even at other times. Some find it distracting, and others don’t like to have to clean it up. It’s also okay for a woman to dislike squirting when she orgasms—not everyone has the same tastes. The truth is that if women like it, they call it squirting, and when they don’t like it, it’s called coital incontinence.
What I don’t agree with is the pressure that both women and men feel to have the experience of squirting be part of their sexual encounter. When viewed this way, the focus becomes a goal to accomplish during sex rather than a focus on sexual pleasure. Everyone needs to decide for themselves what works best for them and what brings them joy. I do believe, however, that people should have all the information so that they can make the best decision for themselves both in the moment and in the long-run.
- 글쓴이에게 뱃지 1개당 70캐쉬가 적립됩니다.
· 추천 콘텐츠
상콤한유부녀 2016-11-11 10:10:58
레몬색 2016-11-09 14:10:49
뭐야 해석해줘여
포비아스/ ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
르네 2016-11-09 13:32:42
엄 주로 어디서 관련정보 얻나요?
저는 미국 코스모폴리탄에도 정보 많아서 가끔 보기는 해요.
포비아스/ 저는 평소에 미,영뉴스만 보다가 오늘 what is a squirting? 인가? 검색해보니깐 http://www.thesexmd.com/ 라는 싸이트를 알게 되었는데, 글마다 댓글도 많고 이쪽에서 거주해보려구요ㅎㅎ, 근데 번역 한글로 문장구성하려니깐 정말 어렵네요ㅠㅠ..구문 떄리치고 그냥 의역하게만 됩니다ㅠㅠ
우럭사랑 2016-11-09 11:46:52
머리가 아프려고 해요
이걸다 번역하신다구요 능력자신데요 ㅎ
포비아스/ 공부겸 하고 잇어요ㅋㅋㅋ번역은 처음이에요..최대한 의역하려구요ㅜㅜ
곧휴가철이다 2016-11-09 11:18:43
왠지 읽으면 알것 같으면서도 번역은 못하겠네요 ㅋㅋ
포비아스/ 그래서 일부러 짧은 문장으로 번역하고 있는데 와이파이가 불안정해서 갑자기 새로고침되더니 날아가네요ㅜㅜ
포비아스/ 저도 해석만 하다가 번역을 하려니깐 너무 어려워요ㅋㅋㅋ
섹시고니 2016-11-09 11:15:16
부탁합니다~ ㅎ
포비아스/ 왕께서 명령하면 그래야겟네요ㅜㅜ
포비아스 2016-11-09 11:14:39
스트레스 받는당~~~~~~~ㅜㅜ
와이파이가 끈겨서 의역하면서 번역하다가 다 날아가네요ㅜㅜ

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