토크 익명게시판
익명 조회수 : 5703 좋아요 : 0 클리핑 : 0
Dear Red Holickers,
I believe not all of you would understand this and may be some would throw rocks against me.
But, anyways, I'm throwing this to you.

Before I got here, there was nothing but dark/calm same days for me that would have never be changed.
One day, I had just wanted to release something inside me here and finally done that.
It made a heck of wonderful/beautiful time for me that I could get ever in my life, it was very short, though.

I know there's no going back, but want to leave this.
"I hope everybody gets the true things and wonderful love in your life. Hurrah! Red Holics!, Hurrah! Red Holickers!"
Because, I know you would and I would do the same.
Best Regards,
From someone who wants to be faded.
내가 누군지 맞춰보세요~
- 글쓴이에게 뱃지 1개당 70캐쉬가 적립됩니다.
· 추천 콘텐츠
익명 2015-12-16 07:10:54
I am fine thank you and you?
익명 2015-12-15 21:59:41
익명 2015-12-15 21:58:45

나는 당신들이 이걸 이해할수 있을거라 생각하지 않는다. 어떤 놈들은 또 태클을 걸겠지.
뭐 어쨋든 난 그냥 써재끼는거.

내가 여기 오기 전엔 바뀔것없는 답없는 일상이었어. 그러다 (여기서) 어느날 내 속에 있던것들을 놓아버리려 했고 마침내 해냈거든. 내 평생에 존내 쩌는 경험이었어. 뭐 그게 단시간이었지만 말야.

후회해도 소용없는걸 알아. 그래도 이말만은 하고 싶어.
"진실되게, 그리고 멋진 사랑을 해. 레드홀릭스만세! 레드홀리커들 만세~!"
왜냐하면 내가 그런것처럼 너네도 그럴테니까.

알려지고 싶지 않은 누군가로부터.

-_ -?
익명 / missed a few points, but good job and thank you dude!
익명 / 근데 익게에 적으면 얼추 누군진 다 알아요...
익명 / it doesn't matter.. really doesn't matter. dude. just please leave something I can track you within your article or something. can't promise but, will try to catch you up.
익명 / 감사함당 (__ )
익명 2015-12-15 21:06:38
하 울렁증..
익명 2015-12-15 20:51:10
이해했으니까 한국 커뮤니티 왔으면 한국말 써라 짜샤.
익명 2015-12-15 20:47:37
영어 못하는 사람은 어쩌라공..ㅠㅠ
익명 2015-12-15 20:44:23
Thanks for your kindness
익명 2015-12-15 20:39:18
I'm a boy.
You're a girl.

Total : 30439 (1610/2030)
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