토크 자유게시판
여행다녀와서 오랜만에 후기를 써봤어요.  
seattlesbest 조회수 : 1690 좋아요 : 0 클리핑 : 0

보통 여행을 다녀온 후에, 매번 쓰지는 않지만, 후기를 쓰고 싶은, 발자취를 남기고 다시 읽고싶은 여행에는 글을 씁니다.

페북에 올린 글이지만, 혹시나... 같이 공유해 봅니다.

사진은 2015년도에 만나던 친구가 준 선물입니다. 첫직장 자리에 붙여 놓았었는데, 귀국행 비행기에서 저 글들 중 왼쪽 글이 생각나더라고요.

During my trip to Nha Trang, I have spent 2 nights in two different hostels. First night at a tranquil hostel for a good night of sleep. Second night at a backpackers hostel for interaction. Turned out, it was so much nicer spending time at the backpackers. Chats with people from all around the world, playing drinking games, heading out to the beach to drink, grabbing late night food with the drunkies. Took me so long to realize how much of an interaction with the like-minded people I had been missing! And, unconsciously imploring for!
Learning by sharing experiences, thoughts,  from perceptions from others... by talking to them and spending time with them were such marvelous moments.
Until I arrived to my second hostel, I definitely did not expect to learn from the early 20s young bloods!
Great people are always there to open up your eyes and mind to feel alive, once again.
It was a pure pleasure just getting out of the usual fast-paced uptight Korean society to rejuvenate my barren soul!

We, everyone of us, could define the travel in various ways... but, for me, it is to find happy me.

We travel so that our souls don't run away from us.
- 글쓴이에게 뱃지 1개당 70캐쉬가 적립됩니다.
· 추천 콘텐츠

Total : 36938 (50/1847)
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