뻑킹잉글리쉬 시즌2 10회 who was your first
[뻑킹잉글리쉬] 소개 - 인류대통합을 꿈꾸는 뻑킹 영어 커뮤니케이션! 1. 오프닝 써머 : Marie, I have a question. 마리 : You can ask anything. What is it? 써머 : When was your first sex? 마리 : Oh, I had my first sex when I was 15. Well, I masturbated a lot before but my actual sex with a real cock was my 15 years old birthday. How about you? 써머 : That’s classic. Well, I had my first sex when I was 11. I know it was a little bit fast but I liked it at the first time. But I tried to jerk off whenever I got my first dildo as my 15 years old birthday present from mom. 테드 : You both are fast! 마리: No, we’re just the average. When and who was your first sex? 테드 : (수줍어하며) Well…..I…..ummm….my first 써머 : (테드의 말을 가로채며)His first was when he was 22 years old and his hot cougar high school teacher took his virginity. 마리 : What? How did that happened? 테드 : Well, I went to my high school reunion day and my friends were teasing me in front of everyone because I was still a cherry boy at that time. Then, during the party, Ms. Benette called me out and suddenly gave me a blow…. 2. 주제토크 - 오늘의 주제: Who was your first? - 주제 관련 토크 : 빠밤! 패널들의 첫경험 시기는?!?!? 1) 첫키스 2) 첫자위 3) 첫섹스 4) 첫연애 : 미국인들의 평균적인 첫경험 시기는? 일반적인 대상은? : 미국인들에게 있어 15살의 의미는? - 주제 관련 표현 : That’s classic : Jerk off / Masturbation : Reunion day 3. 주제대화 및 해설 4. 클로징 - 다음방송 : 미국의 성문화 - 듣고 있는 채널에서 평점, 좋아요, 덧글, 리뷰 꼭 해주세요~ - 뻑킹잉글리쉬에 대한 의견, 광고, 제휴문의는 메일 red@redholics.com 으로 보내주세요. ▶ 아이튠즈로 듣기 - goo.gl/BMh5Hl ▶ 팟빵으로 듣기 - www.podbbang.com/ch/8225 ** 들으시는 채널에서 좋아요! 댓글! 구독하기! 부탁해요~! |